This is because the inner membrane contains germ cells to all three distinct derivations: ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. Each type leads to the formation of different types of tissues and organs. These cells can be grown and multiplied to create a new tissue that will perfectly fit whatever requirements are trying to be filled. .
The second process involves somatic stem cells. These types of cells are able to repair and maintain the tissues in which they are found. These cells are harvested out of adult tissue such as bone marrow or other types of tissues. These cells can only repair cells that are in the same group as them, for example ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm.
Stem cells have many different uses such as research, testing new drugs, and cell based therapies. The cell extractions from the two different types of tissues allow for each to be used in a different ways. Because stem cell research is so new scientist are still working out all the kinks related to the different types of usage. Research should be legalized so that we can start reaping the benefits and begin helping those suffering today. .
The first use of stem cells is in human developmental research. With current knowledge we know very little about how a single cell is able to replicate and form many different parts. With stem cell research we may be able to discover how undifferentiated cells are able to become differentiated cells and can form specific tissues or organs. This research will aide in the medical field as we can use this knowledge to understand where certain birth defects or diseases originate (Fordham). .
Many of the deadly diseases in our country such as cancer are related to problems associated with the cells. When scientists learn more about how cells develop they will be able to figure out how different cells divide and what causes abnormal cell divisions (Bowring). With this research scientists will have a more complete understanding of the process and be able to develop more effective treatment or cures for these types of diseases.