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Case Study of NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell


Managers are concerned with asking questions dealing with the "how" and "when" to make sure they execute the plan accordingly. Managers are given the duty of carrying out the daily operations that move the overall plan/goal forward. "They (managers) know that orders and plans are crucial and their job is to keep their vision on the company's current goals (Giang, 2012)". In a managerial culture, goals tend to arise out of need, meaning that goals are used to decide the best way to use the organization's resources to produce goods or provide services, and because of this method, managers tend to adopt impersonal, if not passive attitudes toward goals (p. 127). The manager is there to complete the overall process, therefore they are not to be tied down in creating or establishing a more of a deeper connection with the personnel under them. .
             Leaders take more of a proactive approach towards goals. Rather than responding to goals, leaders develop and create new ideas and while doing so, move the rest of the organization into an innovative stage. The influence that leaders exert on other individuals thoughts and actions result in a common goal that propels the organizations success. Leaders adopt a personal and active attitude toward goals (p. 127) that stimulate employees' desires to complete and perform the necessary tasks to complete the overall goal.
             Moreover, the third principle that distinguish a manager from a leader is the perception of work/job descriptions that each holds. For managers, work involves facilitating a working body so that each component or element is working for the greater good or common goal of the organization. A manager's work include three main elements, reconciling differences, seeking compromises, and establishing a balance of power. Managers tend to view work as a process involving the coordinating and maintaining of an environment in which a combination of people and ideas interact to establish strategies and make decisions to efficiently accomplish certain goals.

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