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Human Beings and the Color Barrier


            Imagine a world where because of the color of her skin, a child could be subjected to intolerable pain and suffering. This is exactly the perilous situation that Maya found herself in. Unfortunately for Maya, the era in the story depicts is a period in time where black people were treated as second-class citizen. A black person in this period, because of the color of her skin, was not afforded equal treatment to white people and often times were treated worse than animals. The humiliation Maya felt due to these actions, made her cry inside. This, she thought, was additional pain coupled with the already nerve rocking toothache and this is a feeling she would experience again. This essay shows, Maya and her grandmother experiencing emotional pain, racial segregation and inequality, when Maya was taken to a white dentist to treat a severe toothache. She was refused treatment because of the color of her skin, and the nearest Negro dentist was in Texarkana, 25 miles away (p.387). Momma knew fully well that dentist Lincoln did not treat niggers, but she took her there anyway. He had once borrowed money from her during the great depression to settle a debt. She felt that he owed her a favor. But this meant nothing to him.
             Mayas already excruciating pain had intensified after a few days of painkillers and home remedies did not offer any relief. Maya considered jumping in the well or sitting under the house and having the building collapse on her left jaw (p 387). The intensity of the pain was so severe that even the thought of opening her mouth to brush her teeth intensified the pain. Thats why Mayas grandmother decided to take her to the white dentist across the bridge. Momma had placed a white towel under Mayas chin to prevent air from getting into Mayas mouth to cause further pain. Undoubtedly this was one of the worst physical pains that Maya had ever felt in her short life. Momma tried to find a quick solution in spite of barriers of race.

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