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Racism in the Workplace


In these settings, this form of discrimination occurs at both the interpersonal and systemic level. Systemic discrimination results in under employment and non-recognition of employee qualifications (Feagin, 2000). In addition, it perpetuates inequalities and unfairness during training, promotion, remuneration retirement, and performance evaluation. Ultimately, it leads to dissatisfaction and compromises the commitment of the victimized group to organizational well-being. .
             At the interpersonal level, racial discrimination occurs when individuals' interactions lead to unfair inequalities across populations of color. These occur both subtly and overtly and include rudeness, name-calling physical abuse, firing biases, bullying, excessive surveillance, and harassment amongst others. As indicated earlier, racial discrimination is a pervasive problem that minority populations continue to grapple at the work-place. In 2006, Roscigno (2007) estimates that close to 34,000 race-based discriminatory incidents were reported. This reflects only a small portion of various incidents that are often left unreported. Seemingly, women of color report more cases of racial discrimination than their male counterparts. However, men from minority factions suffer more violent forms of discrimination than women. This study explores the impacts of race based discrimination on minority populations at the workplace. .
             Research Questions.
             The following research questions will guide this study:.
             1. How does racism impact on the psychological and physical health of employees from minority populations?.
             2. How does racism affect the productivity of minority populations at the workplace?.
             3. How does racial discrimination of minority employees impact on the performance of the organization?.
             This study assumes that persons of color in the United States struggle with racial discrimination at the workplace. This has negative implications on their performance as well as on the productivity of the organizations that they work for.

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