These were one of the first occurrences of the "American way of thinking " when the religious rebels adopted the notion of individualism and religious liberty.
Religious Diversity.
After the American Revolution, officially declaring themselves independent from England, the need to determine America's true identity heightened. In the turn of the 19th century, another revival movement spread through the nation. The Second Great Awakening, like the first, expressed that everyone could be saved from damnation through rebirth and led to many reform movements and the birth of new religious subgroups of Christianity. The converts believed it denoted the start of a "new millennial age. " It occurred at the time that the American religious landscape first experienced true diversity with the flood of Jewish immigrants who, upon reaching America, created their own reform religions to be more like them. .
With the uprising of different religions, certain teachings and values are kept from one and were intermingled with those of others resulting in more and more modified religions. Because of this, the nation subconsciously tries to find common ground between them where raw religion turns into morality and sharing similar ideas of right and wrong. Any argument on ethics or morality always seemed to come back to its religious foundation; for example, the cases of Charles Finney social reforms or Abraham Lincoln's personal conflict during the Civil War. In the midst of the Civil War and, later on, the Scopes Trial, people realize that even amongst the people of the same religion, they all have different opinions despite reading the same Bible and praying to the same God. This leads to the interpretivist movements and the idea that the values presented in the Bible can be grasped differently by different people. The new interpretivist wave cues further separation concerning whether you accept the Word of God literally or not.