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Lowering the Legal Drinking Age to 18


A big issue for underage drinking is where the underage drinkers actually do the drinking. It is known to people that underage drinking goes on, but where and when they do it, is something to look for. Because no one wants to get in trouble for drinking, those who are underage start taking part in "underground drinking ". Underground drinking is when people under the drinking age drink alcohol without the knowledge of anyone. People will bring alcohol somewhere, like a party, and drink it without their parents knowing. The police search for underage drinking, but, even they know that once the underage drinkers are caught, they will keep doing it. The difference is that this time, they will be smarter about it and hide it better than the time before.
             "We'd find a party where we know there's underage drinking. We would seal the house. Surround the house with officers.We wrote hundreds and hundreds of tickets those years. All we did is we pushed it further underground." (Mark Beckner, the chief of police in Boulder, Colo.) The problem with drinking without anyone knowing, like a parent, is that it can be very dangerous and someone could get seriously injured from alcohol poisoning, or go completely out of control and hurt him or herself like that. If people under the drinking age hide when they drink, they will not want to tell anyone, like an adult that they are drinking because they do not want to get in trouble. So, if no one wants to get in trouble, then no one will tell anyone if someone gets seriously injured. There are cases in which people have died because their friends who they were drinking with we're afraid of the police. As a result, it took a couple hours for anyone to say anything, and by the time they did, it was too late to really do anything.
             "a college freshman, Gordie Bailey, who died of alcohol poisoning during a fraternity initiation. The fraternity members left him on a couch for 9 hours before someone called 911.

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