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The Banking Concept by Paulo Freire


This is when Freire's concept of education as a conversation among equals comes into place, where he says that the correct form of learning by interacting and making conversation with not just the material that is being covered but also with your professor and classmates. Asking questions or making discussions in class doesn't just help you better understand the material, but the rest of the class as well and by doing this the learning process will be better. Political Science all about discussions and asking questions, this way I'll slowly be prepared and become a more successful student and is the reason why I chose this major because down the path it will grant me the opportunity to go to law school and become a successful attorney.
             Studying in college is a big challenge for every student. To be successful you really need to have excellent studying habits because if you do not you're in trouble. College is a new chapter in everybody's life, you need to start off from the bottom and leave all the bad habits behind, for example, procrastination and laziness. My goal while I'm here at Texas State is to learn and develop new critical thinking skills by concentrating and becoming more active with the lectures. As of today, us as students, we are accustomed to getting to class and just sit there and pay attention to what are our teachers are lecturing without understanding what they're saying. This method, the banking concept of learning is effective in some cases which suggests that it does work and is not a bad way to learn and educate students like Freire says. I think that this method will help me develop new critical thinking skills but if I really want to develop new ones, I need to apply Freire's method of education which consists of becoming part of the lecture and ask questions, start discussions and interact with your teacher. By doing this, I will feel challenged and pressured to raise my level of concentration and become more successful as other classmates will do the same thing.

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