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Violations in the Realm of Animal Rights


Any violation of these laws usually results in the violator having to pay a fine and in some cases depending on the severity the animals are taken away from their owners.
             The treatment of animals in slaughterhouses and facilities such as the meat packing industry goes unmonitored all around the world. Although the animals are ensured protection through a series of laws many people and larger corporations violate these laws and completely bypass the fact that they exist. Animals are abused and treated with disrespect and tortured while kept in slaughterhouses. FSIS requirements include laws that state that animals are to be moved through chutes and pens so that they are not caused stress, and the animals must be stunned in a pain free way prior to slaughter, all animals must have water available to them and animals kept longer than 24 hours must been provided with food, there are also rules stating that animals kept overnight must have a sufficient amount of space for them to lay down, and any crippled animals in the plant are not to be dragged (Modern Slaughtering Methods Are Humane). By these places treating the livestock poorly do not realize that there are perks of treating the livestock ethically appropriate and these perks include safer working conditions, better meat quality and improved attitudes among employees so there would be a more efficient work environment (Modern Slaughtering Methods Are Humane).
             These actions against animal rights and welfare laws include these facilities giving the animals less food than legally required as well as putting these animals through torture before they are killed. Animals are protected by animal welfare laws which give them the rights to be protected against any pain influenced by a person. By these facilities going against these laws they not only risk being fined for animal abuse or maltreatment but they risk losing their ability to own the animals, which indirectly would run down their companies.

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