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Biblical Support that God is Real


He said "Let there be light" and there was light (The Bible). Adam was the first man to live on Earth, and he lived in the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden was plentiful with fruit, but there was one fruit that God commanded Adam not to eat. God noticed that Adam was lonely, so he made Eve out of Adam's rib. Eve was convinced by a snake of evil that the fruit that God commanded Adam not to eat, was good and brought the knowledge of God. She gave the fruit to Adam and they both gained knowledge. There are about 2.18 billion Christians worldwide (Pew Research). Atheism is the disbelief in the existence of deity, or the doctrine that there is no deity (Merriam-Webster 59). It is derived from the Greek word atheos. Many atheists were at one time Christian, but something made them changed their ideas. Whether it was from a death of someone close, a loss of a job, or getting cancer; they decided that God must not exist because he let this unfortunate event to happen. Numerous Atheists think that if God existed everything would be perfect. Various atheists are scientists that expertize in biology, chemistry, and physics. The most world renowned physicist Stephen Hawking is atheist, he says that "God is not necessary." They believe that Earth was created by the Big Bang - a theory that the universe was formed by a cataclysmic explosion - and that humans evolved from an animal like the monkey. Atheists think that when they die, they die, nothing happens in the afterlife. About 3%-5% Americans are atheist (Wright). .
             Let's start from the beginning when God created the Universe. Atheists believe in the Big Bang theory, while Christians believe it was created. It is highly probable that the universe had a beginning, since the universe could not have just erupted without a reason (Craig). The Big Bang Theory might be just that, a theory created by scientists. There are ripples in spacetime, which could prove that the universe had a beginning (Wickman).

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