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My Paradigm for Leadership


NCLB which is a Federal program that was intended to reform the nation's public education system, has changed how state programs are run, and has also changed the goals and outcomes of our local schools. On paper, NCLB looks great in that it takes into account disadvantaged students and looks to close the achievement gap they have traditionally faced. NCLB was also meant to improve the preparation of teachers, and increase their compensation. School leaders are now charged with providing supporting evidence, including meeting established standards (AYP) and goals, and students must do well in statewide standardized tests to ensure that funding continues. On a local level, school leaders must be able to encourage collaboration and teamwork among teachers, and be willing to be flexible with schedules when possible to allow for learning communities to develop and thrive.
             I work within higher education, and I have found that recently our leaders have been spending a considerable amount of time focusing on planning for the future. Although they continue to be reactive when necessary, I have found that they are working hard to be more proactive. I have been involved in recent meetings where planning for future projects has been a priority. I am very encouraged by this planning process, and am excited to be included, but I am also concerned about ongoing maintenance of current projects and functions. I am afraid if all of our resources are devoted to projects that will help us in the future, there won't be any resources to maintain what we have already implemented. I am also concerned that if our resources are all tied up in major projects, that necessary updates or changes to existing systems will not move forward. There are many levels of leadership within our organization, and as priorities have changed, so have the projects that have moved forward. What we have been told now is that all other projects will be stopped if the current one moves forward.

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