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Everett Rogers - Diffusion of Innovation


When Web 2.0 tools were released in the market, its inventors took the initiative of confirming the performance of the tools, and their role in enhancing the performance of most websites. Some people adopt more to innovation than others do. Therefore, the adaptation process does not take place simultaneously in a system. The acceptance of Web 2.0 tools has also taken place in phases. While other people were eagerly waiting for their release, until today, others have not adapted to the use of Web 2.0 tools. For instance, most people believe in meeting physically, in comparison to using video conferencing tools, despite its benefits. Research establishes that people who adapt easily to innovation have different characteristics from those who take long to adapt to an innovation. Consequently, before promoting a new invention, it is essential to understand the preferences and the characteristics of the target population before marketing the product. In this case, different strategies would promote the innovation to different adopter groups. Overall, there are five adopter categories. Majority of the population belongs in the middle category, but Al-Jabri and Sohail emphasize that promoters must understand the characteristics of their target population (2012). The following are the adopter categories:.
             1. Innovators.
             These are people with a high interest of the innovation. They want to be the first in trying out the innovation. They exhibit interests in new ideas and are venturesome. Most are also willing to take risks, and are always amongst those willing to come up with new ideas for implementation. According to Boston University (2013), little effort, if anything, will be required in appealing to this population.
             2. Early Adopters.
             They represent opinion leaders. These people embrace opportunities and enjoy leadership roles in society. Because this group is aware of the need to change, they are comfortable in adapting new ideas, and once incorporated into the new system, are willing to encourage others to adopt the invention.

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