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Albania and the European Union


If we summarize this in just some words, Albania was getting far away from the EU.
             After all this, there was a better time to come for Albanians. With the destruction of the monument of Enver Hoxha the chapter of the communist regime for the Albanian history was closed. People voted for a democratic Albania and so it happened. The winner of the first free elections was the Democratic Party. Everyone was happy and considered this as a huge step forward towards freedom. .
             Unfortunately the chapter of happiness didn't last for long. The next elections that were held in May 1996 were not held fairly. This was followed by anger and revolts by the whole population. This damaged a lot the image of Albania in the eyes of Europeans and killed all the work they had done during democracy to walk in the direction of the brightest star, the EU.
             In the years to come it was proved that this was not the only bad thing that could happen. Not only in Albania but also in other countries in Balkan there were seen situations which made the EU to lose its trust. The EU decided to put some criteria for these countries to strengthen their relations. These criteria were mostly about being a democratic country, to fairly treat the minorities, to respect the human rights, to build judicial organs which would function properly and to cooperate in fighting the organized crime, drug trafficking and deepening the economic cooperation which would complete as well a regional stability.
             "We want Albania to be like every European country" is a famous statement said by the people who organized a revolution to end the communist regime. It is an interesting fact to mention that the idea of being part of the great European family started together with the idea of change. Albanians always saw the EU as the right path to follow to create a better country. We can say that the statement stated above is nowadays still true because we still have a lot to do to complete our duties.

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