The spine of a cactus helps prevents water loss, this is an example of the success of adaptations related to the environment . .
Color of the Swallowtail butterfly was chosen for the adaptation of my group. This study is very important because even though Swallowtail butterflies are found on all the continents of the world (except of Antarctica) and have over 500 species of the Swallowtail (Ann, 2014). Some of the Swallowtail species are enlisted in the International Union of Conservation of Nature. Without the implementation of necessary conservation measures, it makes the chances of going exist greater. The loss of these beautiful creatures should be a big concern to the scientific community. Without them it minimized the access to certain studies. .
There are about 24,000 different kinds of butterflies worldwide. Butterflies vary in size, but usually range between one eighth of an inch to almost twelve inches. Just like all insects butterflies have six jointed legs, three body parts, antennae, compound eyes, and an exoskeleton (William, 1900). All butterflies have a life cycle of egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Butterflies are unable to control their body temperatures, thats why they depend on their environmental conditions. "Most butterflies need a thoracic temperature between 75 and 112 degree fahrenheit for flight "(Lab Manual, page 43). .
The closing of butterfly wings steams off of temperature control. For instance a dark butterfly might bask in the sun but once it reaches it desired temperature, it can fly, so it closes its wings to reduce the amount of sunlight being absorbed. Which made my group come up with the idea of the darker the butterfly the quicker it will take to heat up, the lighter the butterfly the slower it will take to heat up. If the butterfly is darker then it will heat up faster. It must be right because if you lay out a black bathing and a white bathing suit in the sun to dry, the black bathing suit will dry up quicker compared to the white bathing suit because black absorbs all wavelengths while white reflects the wavelengths.