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Stigma as Ego Depletion


             Using a 2x2 between-groups experimental design, two independent variables were of interest. The first independent variable was a test given to the participant consisting of two levels: math or verbal test. The second independent variable was stereotype threat condition: threat vs. no threat. The dependent variable was physical stamina or self-regulation measured by the amount of time participants continuously squeezed a handgrip both at the start of the study (the condition) and after stigma-manipulation. Participants included sixty-one female NYU undergraduates who were assigned to one of four conditions across variables. The study was double blind and used deception and a cover story, to decrease confounds. .
             Participants were told that the study was being conducted to see "how mood affects physical and mental performance, and would be completing two handgrip measurements and a test similar to the SAT." The experimenter first took a baseline measure of participant's physical stamina with a handgrip and then asked participants to complete a mood measure (in line with the cover story). After participants were informed that they would take a verbal or math test (although, none was actually given) and then were manipulated across the stereotype threat variable. In the stereotype threat variable, half of the participants were told that either the math or verbal test was indicative of ability (threat level) and half were told that gender differences did not influence test results in the past (no-threat level). The participants were given 4 minutes to look over sample test questions, and then had their second handgrip task measured. .
             The study confirmed the researcher's prediction that females (e.g., members of a stigmatized group) who were presented with their associated stigma (e.g., told that test was diagnostic of ability) do worse on self-regulation tasks (e.g., handgrip measurement) unrelated to the stigma-relevant situation.

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