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Dance and Art Therapy


             It is important for teachers to make sure that students are in a learning environment where they feel comfortable and can understand what is being taught. Many students have learning disabilities that can enable them to learn at a pace normal students learn. It is a teachers job to make sure that students are placed in a learning environment where they good in and be able to adapt to. It is a challenge to adapt their student's disabilities to their everyday classroom or even physical education classroom activities and lessons.
             "Some of these students have stealth, or "hidden," disabilities (disabilities that are not outwardly apparent) that do not qualify for an individualized education program and adapted physical education services, or even for additional support of a teacher's aide," (as cited In Bishop, J. C., & Block, M. E. 2012). It is important for teachers and school specialists to find out what kind of disability the student has and try to accommodate that student's learning disability. According to Bishop, J. C., & Block, M. E. (2012), children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) have motor skill problems and fifty percent of students with ADHD have coordination disorder and difficulties in general motor coordination and control. The reasons why students have difficulty being able to master motor skills is because their motor skill competence. .
             As Bishop and Block (2012) state, children with ADHD have trouble academically, social deficits, behavior problems, poor academic achievement scores, decreased persistence on tasks, difficulty making friends, more negative social interactions, and more aggression and noncompliance when compared to other students. Students with ADHD, believe that they are better than what they are, which is positive illusory bias (PIB). Everyone has a moderate PIB which helps motivate and perform and increase persistence. Students having ADHD and PIB can acts as a learning barrier in the academic, social, appearance, behavioral, and motor domains, (Bishop & Block 2012).

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