2.1 Marketing Analysis - The sub department which research the market and give an idea of what the customer needs are and also how the product can be improved.
2.2 Product Pricing - The sub division which deals with all the prices for the products which are already on the market.
3. Finance - The finance department deals with all the expenditures which occurs in any department and are making a key decision for administration department, because they can state if it worth to start or not the new product.
3.1 Company Assets - This division has to deal with all the economic resources such as patents, market shears, goodwill, .
copyrights, trademarks etc. .
3.2 Inventory - Is the subdivision which has to keep record on all the items that company owns starting from raw materials.
to all the goods that can be found into it. .
4. R&D - This department deals with the efficiency of the product. If the product pass the test which are involved in R&D .
sub-departments, it can be sent to the next department: Production & Operations.
4.1 Product Development - Is the sub department where they find exact specifications for the model and test it to see .
if it is reliable.
4.2 Product Improvement and Competing Technologies - This sub department check the model which come from Product development division and try to find ways to improve it and make it outstanding compared with the competition. Also they have to check if the model specifications are not infringing on any patents.
5. Production & Operations - This is the department where the planning process of how to produce a motorbike hubless wheel is getting life. By using the next departments the product is done starting from the raw material. .
5.1 Warehouse - The place where all the raw and finished materials are kept. The task of this department is to stock and distribute all the goods.
5.2 Labour - The sub divisions which distribute the amount of people needed for producing the parts.