- Understanding of literary techniques.
- Onomatopoeia - words that are spelt in a similar way to the sound.
- Allegory - narrative using symbols.
- Euphemism - cold slumber (death).
- Similes - white as snow (figurative language as opposed to literal language).
- Oxymoron - silent scream.
- Hyperbole.
- Visual imagery.
- Personification - the howling wind, dancing grass, smiling moon.
- Punctuation.
-Structure - paragraphs.
- Objectification - opposite of personification - standing like a statue.
- Pun - humorous and literal meaning.
- Symbol - an object representing an idea. .
- Motif - an idea or a theme that recurs throughout a play, story or poem.
- Setting .
- Paradox - idea that cannot be understood but has a deeper meaning alienation .
Ability to explain author's use of techniques to affect reader.
(Balance sharp-edged critical analysis with personal impression.).
- Read briefly. Highlight outstanding words or phrases.
- Make brief notes about context (specific situation surrounding a setting). How this fits into the scope of the overall text.
- Why was this passage chosen?.
- Make brief notes for characters (who? why are they important?)/plot (entire story/text)/theme (main ideas)/tone/.
mood/feeling/atmosphere)/structure (punctuation/ etc.)/diction (use of language)/etc.
Logical organization includes the following:.
- Meaning: What's the central impact? Irony or ambiguity? Stated or implied meaning?.
- Tone/Voice: Who's the speaker? Does voice shift? Is it overheard or consciously projected?.
- Mood: Usually depends on the tone. Emotional atmosphere of the whole passage. Mood and tone can shift.
- Form: Structure and pattern. Linear development, circular structure, echoing motif. What's the connection between .
form and content? Idea structure. Shift in tone point of view.
- Diction/Syntax: Describe effects and success, your impressions. .
- Word Choice: Chosen for sound/syntax: sentences complete?.