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Solutions to the Malnutrition Crisis


             Along with government action, the people must also stimulate social change. Since the social caste system restricts those in the bottom from moving up, those people are stuck in constant poverty. By lessening the constraints of the caste system, the poorest people will have a chance to improve their social situation. Those at the bottom of the society are not given enough money to live on. Because there are not as many available jobs as there are potential workers, the employers force the currently employed to take very little pay or they get fired. In order to help the poorest people stuck in the bottom of the caste system, we must educate current and upcoming generations about the problems that are associated with the caste system. Doing so will ensure that the next political leaders will be able to lessen the constraints of the caste system and allow the poorest people to be able to have jobs that pay well. Though this is not a solution that is viable in the short term, it will help the poverty and malnutrition problem in the future if properly implemented. .
             The world's farmers are able to produce enough food for 10 billion people each year. With a current world population of around 7 billion people, that is enough food to feed about one and a half times the world. However, the largest problem that contributes to the fact that there are still about 1 billion malnourished people is that "half the food in the world is produced by 1.5 billion farmers working small plots for which monocultures of any kind are unsustainable"" (Gimenez). Many of these farmers do not have enough resources to sustain a large farm, making their crop yield very low. In order to create more food in India, the government must sponsor more monocultures. Food production must get to a point, such as that displayed by the United States, where the government must provide subsidies to the farmers in order to prevent a flooding of food onto the market.

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