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Causes and Symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis


About 1000 new cases of CF are diagnosed each year. Besides, more than 70% of patients are diagnosed by the age of 2 and more than 45% of the CF patient population is age of 18 or older. Children who has CF normally live into their 30's. .
             Medications and Therapies.
             To date, there is still no cure for Cystic Fibrosis. The present treatment is mainly to help reduce the symptoms, improve the quality of life and extend life. These methods do not treat the defective genes. CF has a variety of medications to reduce the particular symptoms and the body systems that are affected. Antibiotics are one of the medication treatments that help to treat bacterial pneumonia and other bacterial lung infections. Bronchodilators are helping with relaxations and opened up the lung's lower airways. Digestive enzymes help with digestion. Therefore, DNAs enzyme treatment also help with making mucus thinner and making it easier to cough up and keep the airways clear. Oxygen therapy is used to treat moderate to severe CF, which causes in low levels of oxygen in blood. .
             CF can also be treated with other therapies such as dietary interventions and surgeries included, gene therapy. Chest physical therapy is also called chest clapping or percussion as a treatment for CF. High protein and high calorie diet helps with reducing the protein that causes mucus. Also, drinking a lot of water helps with keeping mucus as loose as possible. .
             Gene Therapy .
             It should be emphasized again that there is no cure for CF as yet. Possible cures are considered experimental and will still need to be accepted. As Cystic Fibrosis is a genetic disorder, to treat this disease the assumption is that the abnormal gene needs to be treated so the patients can be normal. Gene Therapy is one of the treatments, still being tested, that may help the patients with CF. Only a very few people understand the process. This therapy has begun since 1990, when the scientists successfully corrected the faulty CFTR protein in the laboratory.

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