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Georgetown University - Pursuing Excellence


            To attract the ideal student, college websites are full of information; organized with clearly presented ideas, color, pictures, and a neat layout. Colleges are responsible for choosing the right type of student to represent them. Utilizing the media and internet is a great strategy to persuade students who share a passion of learning into attending their school. Georgetown's McDonough School of Business intrigues many students that are interested in pursuing a higher level education in business.
             Georgetown's homepage features a section in entrepreneurship which allows students to take a further look into the details of owning their own business. Credibility is established by including a video, involving CEO of the Georgetown's School of Business, researched in full detail how the school takes learning to the next level with hands on training. Instead of being in a classroom with textbooks and lecturing professors, students are removed from the teaching environment and are placed in a stimulated learning program. "Pursuing Excellence, " a motto that repeats throughout the website seems to emotionally encourage students to reach high expectations in their educational careers. Teachers pictured with their students depict how professors are willing to further help in the development of their students' curriculum. Entrepreneurship is a complicated business which people have to develop people skills, practice saving/spending money wisely, and taking risks. .
             Similarly to the tactics used on the homepage, Georgetown continues to creatively enhance the community and raise awareness of internships and social entrepreneurship career paths on the Academic Programs page of their website. Georgetown recently had the privilege to bring in Tien Wong, Chairman and CEO of Lore Systems and Opus8, to speak with the students in the entrepreneurship classes. He wrote a blog post on his personal site about his experiences.

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