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Data Collection - Sources and Focus Groups


For instance the effects of advertisement of a certain brand of tea in the year 2009 and later on when certain changes in the flavor, packages and other image building features of the product.
             Panels can be static or dynamic. In the static panels, the members remain the same over a period of time while in dynamic panels, the members' change from time to time according to the needs and requirements of the study.
             Unobtrusive Measures.
             When the data is obtained from the sources other than individuals, like wear and tear of journals/books in the library, the number of soft drink can in trash bags.
             Secondary Data.
             Secondary data is collected by other than the researcher conducting the current study. Such data can be obtained from books, periodicals, media, government publications, company web site and many other record or published information. Secondary data save times and cost however this would be obsolete and not meeting the specific needs of the particular situation and current research.
             Data Collection Methods in Survey Research.
             I. Interviews - Data obtained through asking questions and making discussions with the respondents.
             II. Unstructured Interviews - When the interviewee does not have a planned sequence of the questions to be asked from the respondents. In this kind of interview some preliminary issues surface or come up and based on that the researcher can determine the variables which could be further investigated in depth. Unstructured questions may happens in the following manner: "Can you tell me something about your life, education and job or whatever you think important about yourself?".
             Many answers come up as a response from some and some may just do not disclose and respond by saying as: everything is fine. In such a situation the interviewer may lead the situation and can further put up as: "I would like to know about your job and education." If again the person does not respond in detail; the interviewer may put up other question as: "Compared to your other family member how is economic situation like income, saving, expenditures?" ".

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