"The Government of Canada sincerely apologizes and asks the forgiveness of the Aboriginal peoples of this country for failing them so profoundly."(Statement of Apology ") .
The government is giving Aboriginal people more rights so they too can live the same way as any other Canadian citizen. The government has realized that how they have been treating aboriginal people is wrong and that Aboriginal people deserve to be treated the same as all other Canadian citizens. In addition in 1920, First Nations people were given a conditional right to vote but to do so they had to give up their treaty rights and Indian status. First Nations people struggled, the government wanted them to be farmers but they were given poor land and people who left the reserves faced discrimination and were given the worst jobs. .
In 1948, a parliamentary committee recommended that all Indians should be given the right to vote but rules weren't placed until Diefenbaker's legislation 12 years later." I felt it was so unjust that they didn't have the vote, I brought it about as soon as I could after becoming prime minister."("Diefenbaker and the Native Vote, CBC) Aboriginal people were now allowed to vote without losing their Indian status or treaty rights. The aboriginal people were now one step closer to equality and Canada was becoming a mature country. The Aboriginal people are now being treated much better, Canadian government is realizing their past mistakes and is apologizing for them, they are passing laws for the betterment of Canadians and are giving every Canadian the right to vote. .
The struggle of Canadian women for rights shows that Canada eventually matured, Canadian women (except First Nations women) obtained the right to vote in federal elections in 1918. "The majority of women are emotional, and if given the franchise would be a menace rather than an aid,"( Roblin ) Sir Rodmond Roblin was the P.