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Customer Service - Influenceing Sales


From a customer's point of view the customer service they receive is equally as important as the products or services they purchase.
             An unhappy customer may not seem a threat because it is only one person, but one person can quickly cause a larger impact than expected. Studies show that "an upset customer tells on average ten to twenty other people about their unsatisfying experience, and on average those people will tell an additional five individuals " (Timm). That means that a typical customer that has had a bad experience could impact ninety others and influence their future buying patterns. Customer service starts at the point in which personal selling is inflicted onto a potential customer (Katz). At this point an employee influences the prospected sale. There are many critical factors that influence a customer's service. Factors such as efficiency, meaning if the customer received the information that they requested and if it was answered accurately and in a timely manner. A lack in confidence can make a customer become wary of the situation and feel unsure about an employee's response (Katz). .
             How helpful and how much personal interest is shown will also help develop good relationships with customers, giving them a since of individualism to show the sales person cares. Loyal customers and repeat business is the goal of customer service, to make sure a customer feels like their business is appreciated (Timm). This is accomplished by seeing past the sale, customers will be unsatisfied if you persuade them to buy items they don't need or that will not benefit them. In return customers may become discouraged with the service they received and will not return as a repeat customer. This also comes into effect with the product itself; if the product does not function properly then consumers will not continue to waste their money on the business. A customer service person achieves the output desired based on the amount of effort they input.

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