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Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana


"A national survey finds that 52% say that the use of marijuana should be made legal while 45% say it should not"" (Caulkins et al). Ages between 18-32 show most support with 65% legalization rate.(People-press) As of March 2013 , nearly 48% have tried marijuana with 30% of those users being medical users.(People-press) "As of August 1, 2013, a total of 20 states plus the District of Columbia have what are called "effective " state medical marijuana laws "(Drugwarfacts.org). This results in nearly 2.5 million registered patients in the United States.(Green) .
             Marijuana legalization would bring many benefits to the United States and its residents. Law enforcement costs would be greatly reduced. Marijuana is currently listed under the DEA's drug scheduling list as a schedule 1 drug.(drug schedules) "Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse." "(drug schedules) First time possession of marijuana is a misdemeanor with a penalty of one year incarceration and a max 1,000 dollar fine (norml.org). "Almost one in five inmates in state prisons and half of those in federal prisons are serving time for drug offense,"" says the Times. Federal and state prisons hold 1.6 million prisoners at an average cost of $25,000 a year per prisoner. That's $40 billion. "(Richardson).Legalizing would bring "nation's largest cash crop " under rule of law.(drugpolicy.org) Nearly 40 billion dollars would be made by the legalization and taxation of marijuana, also new sources of jobs in stores and farms.(Richardson) Agriculture production would increase , helping farmers with their current crops they are harvesting. "By allowing the legalization of marijuana, the funds used to fight marijuana can be used to focus on health care and substance abuse counseling for harder drug users" .
             "(Battle,Pinkston) Also funds once used on marijuana can be used to get harder drugs off the street(Battle, Pinkston) Marijuana isn't nearly as harmful as alcohol or tobacco products.

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