This differs from 1st person because 1st person uses "I" and "me". 2nd person would be written as if you, the reader, were experiencing everything. This also differs from 3rd person omniscient, because 3rd person omniscient can comment on the thoughts and feelings of every character in the story.
The main character is introduced. The pregnant Mary Malone is waiting at home for her husband Patrick to return from work. When her husband arrives, they are about to eat supper and Mary continues to think about her love for him. Patrick acts a little odd which then worries her.
Rising Action.
Patrick says he is getting divorced. Mary is shocked, she walks to the cellar to get the food they will be eating for supper, which turns out to be the leg of lamb. Patrick then hears her walking back from the cellar and tells her that he is going out for dinner with someone else with his back turned towards her.
Then suddenly Mary swings the lamb through the air aiming at the back of Patrick's head which then kills him.
Falling Action.
Mary thinks fast and covered her tracks, by putting the leg of lamb in the oven then going to the grocery shop to get potatoes and peas. When she returns home she needs to pretend to see her dead husband and be in shock even though she killed him and this is not hard for her because she really still does love him. .
Later, she calls the police over to investigate the scene and she acts heartbroken and shocked. Mary convinces the police to eat dinner at her house saying they would be doing her a favor for eating the lamb.
While the police eat the lamb, they talk to each other about what the murder weapon really was, saying it is probably under their noses. Mary, in the other room starts giggling.
Main Characters.
Mary Maloney.
Dynamic - Mary wildly shifts from a loving and caring woman to an unstable, unforgiving murderess. .
Evidence: She loved to luxuriate in the presence of this man, and to feel-almost as a sunbather feels the sun-that warm male glow that came out of him to her when they were alone together.