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Immigration, Industrialization and Urbanization in America


            Assignment: Demonstrate your knowledge of the concept of "a search for order" by providing an example from each of the four chapters covered. .
             American society has been characterized by a continuous strive to create a predictable and rational society governed by law and order. The highly dynamic history of the United States brings about many moments where society takes action, in a search for order, to cope with the undesired effects of factors that bring change. The main factors are three giant tidal waves that sweep through American society: immigration, industrialization and urbanization.
             Chapter 1.
             The Mormons had settled in hundreds of communities where they enjoyed their freedom of religious belief and practice thereof. But one of their practices, polygamy, would come under frequent attacks as it was far out of line from the general Christian family beliefs. In order to make the Mormon family values more rational to mainstream values, the Supreme Court made polygamy illegal in 1879 in the case of United States v. Reynolds. .
             The Dawes Allotment Act was created on February 8th 1887. Before 1887 the Native Americans were situated under the reservation system. Under the reservation system, the Native Americans still had the right of governing themselves and they still had the ability to preserve their way of life. To the white American, the Native American way of life was too different, and therefore unacceptable. In an example of a search for order, the US Congress sought to destroy the Native American uncivilized way of life. .
             The Dawes Severalty Act would replace the common land of the native tribes with privately owned pieces of land. The Native Americans would also have to become American citizens. The purpose of the act was to change the Native American society and hopefully assimilate the Indians. Although the greed of white entrepreneurs and large potential profits can be regarded as the major factors that induced the Act, the non-conforming life style of the Indians served to justify the Act to the general public.

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