In fact, in the Preamble of the Charter we can read that one of its main objective is to "save succeeding generations from the scourge of war ", considered the main risk for the interstate security.
Oxford Companion to the Politics of the World (2012), explains that the concept of security started to change after the end of the Cold War and not it includes a new additional element, which is "the protection of the environment from irreversible degradation by combating, among other things, acid rain, desertification, forest destruction, ozone pollution, and global warming. In a world in which environmental degradation crosses national borders with abandon, environmental security has impelled states to find cooperative rather than competitive solutions. Therefore we can say that nowadays ecological problems are one of the elements which constitute a threat for the security. The next step is to understand which are the negative effects brought by environmental degradation to international security and why they are becoming such a menace. The term "ecological problems"" can include a large number of issues. For example, climate change, resource depletion, pollution and environmental degradation. All of these elements continue to threaten international security in different ways.
The CNA Military Advisory Board defined the ecological problems, with a special consideration for climate change, as a "threat multiplier ", because they can worsen the pre-existing issues, which cause conflicts and wars. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) documented the consequences of the ecological degradation which affect negatively the environment: rising seas levels, increased frequency of droughts and floods, storms, hurricanes, water scarcity, disease outbreak. All these issues are now being taken into account from international organizations. These are also now increasingly being thought of as dangerous threats to the interstate and human security.