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The Medical Coding Profession


Not long after that the system was in full swing all over the world and becoming more detailed and advanced every day. The use of this system became so popular that people of the medical field began talk of expanding the system into greater depth. They thought that perhaps the tracking of diseases within people suffering would be of great use to doctors and health care providers. This would track diseases instead of just mortality. .
             By the middle of the twentieth century a classification processing system for both mortality and disease was set into place. This particular system was set into place and established by the World Health Organization, also known as WHO. This took the medical coding to an entirely new level and advanced coding technology by leaps and bounds. The new system was named the called the International Classification of Diseases, Injuries, and Causes of Death. Also known as ICD. The ICD system is updated every ten years with the latest revision being labeled ICD-10, which adapted in the United States this year. .
             In 1966 the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System or CPT was standardized by the American Medical Association and are updated annually. These particular codes are used by Medicaid and are monitored by the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services are are based on the Current Procedural Technology codes (CPT) coding system. They are numbers assigned to each and every service that's provided by a doctor or medical provider. This ensures that all physicians performing the same particular service will be paid the same by Medicare, given that they are located in the same geographic area. These particular codes are broken up into two levels. Level one and level two. Level one's codes and coding system are identical to that of CPT codes. However, level two codes are different because they are used by medical suppliers instead of physicians. They are used to identify medical equipment and supplies, home health needs, ambulatory services and other similar sources.

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