The green party strongly supports the theory of non violence and believe that global peace can be accomplished. .
For a young party the green party has developed an elaborate stance over the past thirty years. The first green party was founded in 1972 in Great Britain, Tasmania and New Zealand. Since then, the party has grown from existing in three countries to being highly recognized in over eighty countries. In 1990 California was the first state in America to have a green party canidate and then in 1992 the party's registration passed 110,000 members. Four years down the line in 1996, Ralph Nader unsuccessfully ran for president representing the greens and then made a second unsuccessful attempt finishing in third with Wionona Laduke running for vice president again in 2000. .
In the 2000 campaign one of the main issues had dealt with education. Gore and Bush believe in a more adequate funding of schools but Bush takes it to the next level with progress tests being issued to third through eighth grade students to help them determine thier weak areas that need to be worked on. He stated that he would offer a $1,500 credit towards a private school for those who attend a public school that is poorly run. I indefinately agree with George w. bush in the matters of education because Gore believes in shutting down schools that do not meet state standards and if that was the case, Allentown school district would no longer exist. Gore also believe in spending more money on charter schools. charter schools are mostly filled with students who come from a wealthy family and such schools arent in a great need of finacial help such as public schools. .
In regards to health care i once again agree with Bush's proposal of tax reduction of long term health insurance and the indivisual choice of health insurance. Gore proposes a plan that lowers the cost of insurance and medicare but will, in my opinion create a hefty add-on to our national debt.