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Overview of Standards for Teachers


She can use her knowledge of letters, sounds and words to establish meaning when reading familiar texts aloud, sometimes with prompting but as of yet she cannot comment on events and ideas in poems, stories and non-fiction though she can respond to them (this is not always accurate).
             Extended scale for writing.
             Level 1 (secure).
             She uses phrases and longer statements which convey ideas to the reader, making some use of full stops and capital letters. Some grammatical patterns are irregular and her grasp of English sounds and how they are written is not secure, from observation of writing she frequently makes grammatical errors (e.g save children from "hungry" instead of hunger.) Her handwriting is at a good level though she has not adopted the joined up handwriting scheme as of yet which is compulsory in year 6. Her letters are usually clearly shaped and correctly orientated.
             5) Observe the child in both a group and a whole class situation. What do you notice about the child's speaking and listening? How does the child respond?.
             R.Z.K 's speaking and listening ability is much better in groups than it is within a whole class situation. From discussions with her class teacher and observations made by others and myself this may be attributed to the fact that she is new in the class and still in her settling in period. Also if the reports of teasing of her accents are true then there is a great possibility of a knock in her confidence and willingness to speak up for fear of ridicule, the child responds very well in one-to-one situations and an action plan to address this which may be considered is referral to EAL co-ordinator for further support.
             6) Discuss with your mentor what he/she feels the child's needs are with respect to developing English as an additional language and how these are met in the classroom. Note if any other adult help is available.
             Both mentor and I agree that R.

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