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Overview of Standards for Teachers


g year 4, year 6 secondary when most of your peers are fluent English speakers so you are alone in that position. .
             What do you need to find out? (Set yourself two targets).
             Targets: .
             1. What are the impacts on planning when taking into consideration EAL/bilingual students?.
             2. Is it generally an advantage or disadvantage to be EAL/bilingual and does this depend on fluency of language?.
             Date set: 14/10/2013 .
             Target to complete/review: two weeks.
             Task 2 – Observing and profiling a pupil (Standards 2, 5).
             Taking the advice of your mentor, choose a bilingual child who is in the process of acquiring English as an additional language. Observe the child in a range of situations and find out the following:.
             EAL pupil profile:.
             Initials: B.Z.K.
             Year Group: 6.
             New student to school on 29th November 2013.
             1) The child's linguistic background (what languages he/she understands, speaks, reads or writes) and whether the child attends a community class to learn the language.
             Fluent speaker of Urdu, Pakistani National.
             Does not attend a community class to learn the language.
             2) If not born here, how long has the child been in the UK?.
             B.Z.K has been living in the UK from October 2013 so approximately 1 month.
             She states that she was born in Canada and lived there until the age of 3 years old, when she moved back to Pakistan.
             She has previously visited the UK on holiday but informs me that she has moved to the UK on a permanent basis with her mother and siblings due to the level of violence in her province. Her father is due to join her soon.
             3) Does the child have the opportunity to speak to other children who speak the same language? Does he/she choose to do this?.
             The child has the opportunity to speak to her siblings who are of similar age, 2 older sisters aged 14 and 12, and 2 younger sisters aged 9 and 4. .
             There are other EAL Urdu speakers in the class, however B.Z.K appears to prefer speaking in English to her peers.
             4) Using the descriptors in Appendix B for early learners and the definition of Advanced Learners on page 13, estimate the child's stage of English development and give some evidence, based on observations.

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