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Overview of Standards for Teachers


It does not necessarily imply full fluency in both or all languages". (DfES, 2004. Aiming High: Raising the Achievement of Minority Ethnic Pupils).
             You will have noticed that we refer both to bilingualism and to English as an Additional Language (EAL) on this course. When the focus is on the fact that children have access to two or more languages, the term bilingual will be used: for example, if we are discussing how to provide resources and activities in a classroom that will reflect and value the languages the children use. .
             The term EAL is used when reference is being made specifically to the teaching of English to speakers of other languages, to the specific needs of the learner of English and to the distinctive aspects of the pedagogy of teaching English as an additional language in the classroom. "English as an Additional Language" is the terminology used in the Teachers' Standards and many official documents. It draws attention to the fact that children may have two or three languages in addition to English; also that English should be considered as an additional language, rather than one that replaces the children's other languages. .
             With respect to pupils learning EAL, the Coalition Government's policy is focused on promoting the rapid acquisition of English. It makes it clear that "classroom teachers have the responsibility of ensuring that pupils can participate in lessons", that pupils have a right of access to the National curriculum, that EAL provision for new arrivals is integrated into all subject areas and that pupils are educated alongside their peers in the mainstream classroom (1).
             While only Teachers' Standard 5 makes specific mention of learners of EAL, you are expected to take account of the cultural and linguistic needs of all children when addressing all other standards. The tasks in this file are designed to help you meet those needs.

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