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Aspects of Psychology in the Workplace


             The third dimension of personality, Decision Making, measures the way we make decisions. I am a thinker; thinkers believe that it is more important to be right and honest with themselves than it is to be liked. Thinkers tend to be fair and thoughtful to people that may need that extra help. They tend to help people as much as they can so that they can be treated with respect. Thinkers train their minds on cause and effect reasoning. If the coaches players don't get how to a fundamental or doesn't understand what to do, the coach needs to be fair to the player and explain it to them. The coach needs to be fair to his/her players and teach them the plays or how to do the fundamentals correctly so that way they can become a better athlete. .
             The final dimension of personality, Temporal and Structural Orientation, measures the way which we deal with the outer world. I am a perceiver not a judger. Perceivers are most comfortable when they can maintain flexible schedules and don't have overly constrictive rules imposed on them. As result, they are often self-employed or entrepreneurial. They abhor strict hierarchy and prefer to work to the beat of their own drum. One of the perceiver's strengths is works well under pressure. It falls well under this occupation very well. .
             In coaching, they are always under pressure because either a player can't get the fundamental correctly and they have their biggest game in about a week and the coach wants the player to stand out they start to feel under pressure. Also they might be losing a very important game and the only thing that the coach can do is tell players to hustle and play full out to their ability. Working under pressure is a hard task to accomplish but at the same time it's easy to work it out. It might seem tough but it really isn't because you just got to take things one step at a time and everything would be fine. My personality test matches 86% with being a coach.

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