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Tacitus - Agricola and Germania


             Both senators and citizens had the right to express their disapprovals in philosophy about something that they believed did not suit them as a whole; but again that was something that almost never took place in that time period because people were moreover afraid to get killed by Domitian. However Domitian was not the only one Tacitus was displease with; he went on taking a jab at Rome founder and father Caesar. Tacitus implied that Agricola was able to undertake the responsibilities of the Empire and finish them; something Emperor Caesar was unable to accomplish. Caesar's in his opinion did nothing but discovering the land/ island and therefore Caesar was viewed by him as a great General nothing more, "But he [Julius Caesar] may fairly be said to have merely drawn attention to the island: it was not his to bequeath " (Tacitus, Agricola Ch. 13). Chapter 21 of Agricola demonstrate Tacitus attempt to show Agricola qualities if great leader by mentioning his good deeds. He mentions how Agricola provided for the less fortunate or poor persons and dedicated his time to public work, and education to the people of Britain.
             While giving his honest opinion and displeasure about of the Roman Empire ways of operating, Tacitus did not fail to express his appreciation for the Germanics people in Germania. He seemed to have a really great appreciation for the Germanic customs and how they conducted themselves with one another. Tacitus talked about the hospitality of the Germanic people and their simplicity about life, but furthermore their bravery in battles. He also talks about the support that the Germanics demonstrated towards each other's during a war time period. This in return enables soldiers to fight at an even greater force, because they had family and friends encouraging them and showing moral support to each other's at the same time. .
             Women, for the most part were the fuel of inspiration and motivation for the males in the battles (Tacitus Germania Ch.

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