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Plan B - The Morning After Pill


(Maghee, et. al.) The journal also differentiated , "Plan B from the abortifacient RU-486." As such, Plan B could not terminate an existing pregnancy. (Maghee, et. al.) Since its availability to the consumer public, Plan B is widely promoted and became popular of choice for many women as a solution to unwanted pregnancies.
             Due to its widely promotional campaign for preventive unwanted pregnancies, Plan B became obtainable across the nation to many young adult females through health centers within colleges and universities. For instance, the Appalachian State University health services had the Plan B pill available to the public since 1999 via prescription. The 'morning-after' pill has served people for over ten years favorably. Hence, this creates a sound argument of the effectiveness of the medication. What are the implications of making an emergency pill readily available to the public without any limits of age? .
             One should further examine what terms an emergency warranting the application use of the Plan B. Before the approval of the Plan B pills, it was extremely troublesome to obtain these pills particularly for non-students (Lillian, 1). This made it very risky for young adult women who could not access the pill to circumvent becoming pregnant. The approval of the pills made it viable for the girls in need to access the pills just like any other over-the-counter (OTC) drug. In this way, both the legislation law and judicial ruling created it easily accessible for teenage girls to avoid undesired pregnancies. .
             However, the availability of OTC medication, such as the 'morning-after' pill poses numerous concerns and poses a question of responsibility on, consumers as well as pharmacy providers. It is possible to infer that people will engage in unprotected sexual activities, especially if such OTC was easily available in the public marketplace. Like any medications, Plan B likewise can be a great danger to the careless masses, especially diverse inexperienced young adults.

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