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The British Petroleum (BP) Oil Spill


For example, "The various caps that were tried and failed to stop the 2010 blowout were similar to those that failed in 1979 to stop the Inxtoc blowout" (Safina 3). .
             BP is also at fault for this disaster because they have lied to the public, several media sources and Congress about the amount of Corexit, a chemical dispersant, that was added to the water days after the explosion. .
             Corexit contains solvents that can harm a humans red blood cells, kidneys, and liver. To paraphrase Safina, legal liability is based on how much oil enters the environment; therefore, Corexit is a strong incentive to hide the actual amount of oil that leaked into the Gulf for days after the explosion (Safina 3). According to "The BP Spill Saga: Where Things Stand Now, " by Marian Wang, a former freelance writer for several Chicago-based publications now working for ProPublica, a non-profit newsroom that produces investigative journalism, one of fourteen felonies BP pleaded guilty for in a settlement with the Justice Department was for lying to Congress. This charged BP with a 4.5 billion dollar fine, the largest fine ever imposed against a company in the United States. BP will also be tried with negligence" or gross negligence". If found guilty for negligence", BP will be fined $1,100 for each barrel of oil that leaked. If they are found guilty of gross negligence", BP will be fined $4,300 per barrel. .
             Wang states this will cost BP millions and millions of dollars. BP must also take blame for this oil spill because of all the negative effects on wildlife, coastlines, and the health of so many innocent individuals that are seen today. According to "Deepwater Horizon Spill 2.5 Years Later, " by Jean-Michel Cousteau, an environmentalist and educator, "[the oil] made landfall along the coastlines of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida"" (Cousteau 12).

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