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Jazz Band Concert Review


However, they showed a good showmanship toward the audience, made them enjoyable.
             The second performing group included bass, acoustic guitar, trumpet, piccolo trumpet, and drums. Unlike the first group, both of their songs were slow tempo, which established very calm jazzy tune. The form of both songs was also similar to that of the first performing group; each instrument took turn and soloed for the first song, whereas duet of the trumpet player and piccolo trumpet became the main part of the second piece. Each individual in this group was equipped with a quite accurate pitch and rhythms that created a firm group sound as a whole. For instance, the guitar player was very skillful, performing complicated and creative improvisation, some including lots of fast trills, triplets, and complicated scales. Piccolo player stood out mostly among the instrumentalists as well. Even though he seemed not to possess splendid skills and rich tone, his tone was consist of very deep and calm tunes, creating comfort and chilling atmosphere. As a result, this group made the audience sentimentalized.
             The forth group was a vocal performing group, a party of eleven. They performed two songs, their unison did not match well, and because of that, I could hardly hear the lyrics and well-tuned harmony. In other words, they were not listening to each other. One of the women in this group performed solo in the second performance, but one could barely hear her solo because others were just singing their own parts loudly. A couple members were even talking to each other while not singing, which showed poor stage manner. Even though some audience might have enjoyed and appreciated their efforts to be fun, their attitude was not pleasant.
             The second vocal group is Red Hot Chile Peppo, one of my favorite performances. They were a group of sixteen people, which indicated that the numbers could make everything hard for such an acapella group.

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