If you have any questions, please contact me at goosseng@uwindsor.ca or by phone (519)-566-5381. I look forward to hearing from you. .
Vision for Revision.
An essay is a written speech that must speak to the reader. It is a creative expression from the writer that must motivate the reader to continue on. A speaker can use their intonation and body language, to hook the listener, but, the writer must use their words to spark interest. A good essay must captivate the reader and thus motivate them to continue on. In order to do so, an essay must be well thought out and properly written. The art of essay composition is which one requires time, eloquence, and precision. A successful essay must be organized, have a true sense of direction, and be revised to perfection. .
Similar to most aspects in life, great organization typically coincides with success. The same can be said for an essay. First and foremost, the writer(s) must organize themselves from the very beginning. Any successful writer knows their preferences of cleanliness or chaos. Ones ideal locations to write, preference of lighting, choice of beverages or snacks are all important tools to compose their work. Personal preferences dictate much of these choices but being organized and prepared to sit down and write is no simple task. .
Upon successfully organizing yourself, the organization of the essay format can begin. An essay can be laid out much like a blueprint for a house. No essay or house can begin construction without seeing a rough outline or plan on how to begin. The writer must lay out their points to write on, and search for proofs or evidences to support these points. Once the topic and ideas have been decided upon, the author must determine how to be impactful and organize the points in a way which serves to drive home their argument. .
The essay must be the best-composed effort in persuading the reader to buy into your points.