Deep down, it means that he wants his mother all to himself, not share her with his father. He sees his father as a threat to his desire for his mother yet worries about what his father may think or do if he found out. For girls, it involves 'Penis Envy'. They explore themselves as much as boys at this age yet this is when they notice that they do not have something that protrudes from their body. They feel like they have been cheated because they see something that is bigger and therefore seems "better".
There are no erogenous zones in the last two stages. This is because at the latency stage both boys and girls repress their feelings towards sex or penis envy and due to this there is a decline in sexuality. They start to move off in single sex groups in order to gain their own identity.
In the genital stage the sexual desire re-appears but in puberty the adolescent tries to either push their sexual urge into something like sport or repress it again. Another theorist who has a similar link with Freud is Erik Erikson. He has eight stages of social development which are determined by age, Ego crisis and a task; the first three of which relate to Freud's stages. They are:.
1) Infancy: 0 "18 months (similar to Oral Stage). The Ego crisis in this stage is Trust Vs Mistrust. Can an infant trust an adult. The task it has to perform is forming an attachment to its mother, this in turn takes care of the crisis.
2) Early Childhood: 18 months " 3 years (similar to Anal Stage). The Ego crisis is Autonomy Vs Shame and Doubt. The task to overcome the crisis is to gain some basic self control and learning how to differentiate between right and wrong.
3) Play Age: 3 " 6 years (similar to Phallic Stage). The Ego crisis in this stage is Initiative Vs Guilt. The task in which to overcome the crisis is to become more purposeful and direct.
4) School Age: 6 " 11 years (similar to Latency Stage).