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The Root of Evil


(Scheuer, 2011, (22) . .
             Powerful influences are responsible for shaping the mind of a young Osama bin Laden, and the root of his ideologies, Muhammad bin Laden, can be credited as being one of Osama's most powerful mentors. As Scheuer (2011) indicated in the previous quotation, a young bin Laden was led to have little respect for established borders and would become ignorant to the value of other cultures as well. It indicated that he was brainwashed to believe that it was a part of his responsibility to assist in converting the world to Islam (Scheuer, 2011). .
             Osama bin Laden has given us indications regarding how Osama viewed his father. Although Muhammad bin Laden had 57 children, Scheuer (2011) explained that Osama felt they were very close, despite not spending a great deal of time together. Perhaps we can assume that Osama had established a strong connection to his father through a strong connection to the Islamic faith, especially when we consider that his father died when Osama was only 10. This further proves that Osama's movement was an extension of his father's beliefs. Scheuer indicated:.
             What kind of man was Osama's Father? "Shaykh Muhammad bin Laden, " his former daughter-in-law Carmen bin Laden wrote in 2005, "was a giant among men. . . . He was honest, pious, and beloved by everyone who met him. . . . In [his children's] eyes, he was a hero a distant figure, legendary, austere, and profoundly religious " (p. 25). .
             Scheuer (2011) also pointed out that after the death of the father, the bin Laden brothers continued to establish a distorted Islamic stronghold over Osama by setting up meetings and between the young Osama and Islamic scholars and figures (p. X). To establish the strength and longevity of Al-Qaeda, this insight into Osama bin Laden's upbringing allows us to make the connection to the ideologies bin Laden established as one of Al-Qaeda's leaders. .
             Throughout his young life, Osama bin laden was surrounded by drastic Islamic opinion that ultimately shaped how he thought, drawing him to a life that would lead to martyrdom.

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