It is only within the faith of the Church that each of the faithful can believe. The faith required for Baptism is only the beginning of the journey into a life filled with Christ and must mature as the person develops. The catechumen or the godparent is asked: "What do you ask of God's Church?" The response is: "Faith! ".
Liturgy also helps express understanding of baptism as it helps to express and communicate the faith of the Church. It also welcomes and accepts the child into the Church's community.
Sacraments are more than simple rituals that mark the significant events in the spiritual journey. Baptism incorporates a person into the church that was made by Christ. When a person is baptized into the church they become immediate members of the faith, Gods adopted children. Mick states that "sacrament is the actions of the Church community. .
Baptism is understood as the first entry into Gods church, without it the other sacraments cannot be performed. Once a person has been baptized the person becomes an immediate member of the Church "the church is a visible presence of the invisible Christ. The Church as universal sacrament of salvation continues the work of Christ. The Church represents the Body of Christ and so just as Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit; the church reflects itself as being filled with the Holy Spirit. Through Baptism the person also receives the first initiation of the Holy Spirit.
Ritual celebration of the sacrament-Based on Rite of Baptism for Several Children (Appendix 1)8.
Baptism in the Catholic Church is celebrated both by adults and infants. For adults they must participate in the journey of RCIA which is a long and involved process taking several months or even years. Baptism of Infants is the Rite being explored.
Reception of the Children.
Baptism usually takes place on a Sunday and is performed in front of the congregation with important and meaningful people who are involved in the child's life.