Student Jinsong Hu was being accused of sending sexual harassment emails to his ex-girlfriend. Since this type of communication through email is unacceptable, the student was eventually punished for his actions. All of these incidents had one thing in common: the violation of the student's right to the First Amendment. Since there was no regulation of speech of any sort in each of these campuses, incidents that could have been avoided arose. .
When there is an issue that needs serious debating, there will always be a pro and con side. On the pro regulating speech side is Mari J. Matsuda, a law professor at Georgetown University; Charles R. Lawrence III, a professor of law at the Stanford University Law School; and finally Richard Delgado and David H. Yun, both who are also law professors. Matsuda argues strongly for equal access to all aspects of college life. In other words, students should be able to go to college and not have to deal with all the derogatory terms and labels or symbols for their specific ethnicity. Lawrence also argue for equality on college campuses with reason that these places are all areas that students have to pass by every day in order to go to class. He argues more strongly about the point of "face-to-face insults " and "fighting words ". Lawrence describes fighting words as "utterance inflict injury or tend to incite to an immediate breach of the peace ". He also ties in fighting words with the term "slap in the face " because, literally you would be able to feel a slap in the face with all those insulting words being hurled at you. They symptoms produced by such words usually leave the victim momentarily disabled and speechless. Lawrence also suggest that such insults should not be protected under the First Amendment because it strikes the victim in the face. The First Amendment is there to protect the speech of something important, not racial insults that just strikes people down.