There must be a better option than this. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was created to regulate the production and applications of all pesticides in 1970 (Cooper). Although agricultural and environmental regulations were already in place before their creation, that cannot simply be changed by the EPA but only enforced. Making it seem that this U.S. Government agency has limited powers in the specific areas it was tasked to protect citizens. The Delaney Clause established in 1958 "bans pesticide use on any crop that is used in processed foods if it is found to cause cancer at any concentration. Another rule allows amounts of carcinogenic (cancer causing) pesticides to be used on raw foods such as fruits and vegetables, as long as the economic benefits of their use outweigh the risk to human health " (Cooper). So if the money is right certain health risks are reasonable for American citizens to endure, even if the outcome is cancer. The EPA allows certain levels of pesticides on our food they believe to be safe for our health, underestimating that no matter how small the dose there are no safe limits. Just because studies prove these toxic chemicals are harmful to our health doesn't mean our government will take appropriate action, consequently leaving us susceptible to the dangers.
The U.S. Government needs to at least commit to providing better information for consumers to make healthy educated food choices, and stop deregulating standards that need to be met. Major companies want limited labeling on food products, which helps keep buyers from realizing the harmful ingredients inside or possibly becoming confused and not purchasing the product. Labeling on products does not show enough information about the background of the food. Citizens have the right to know the pesticides and residues left on our crops, if the food has been genetically engineered, if irradiation was used, and the origin whether the food is from local produce, a different state, or another country (Kimbrell 59).