How far will people go in heavy states of anxiety? What will someone do to survive? These questions are forced upon the audience, and while they originally have potential of arousing questions from the audience, they fail to be discussed at all throughout the play giving the audience nothing to mentally chew on
The fact that killer birds surround the house, continuously threatening to eat the characters alive, should be enough to keep the audience glued to their seats, but besides a few rattles here and there and the constant fear of the characters, the birds kind of fail to get anyone scared or even mildly excited. By the end of the play, the audience becomes kind of desperate for any action besides Julia (Vera Varlamov) and Diane's (Kim Cozort) annoying stare-down and arguments, and their awkward love triangle with Nat (Kenneth Kay). While it is understandable that Tierney (Kevin Reilley) is needed for plot purposes "since apparently it's important to know that Julia uses sex to get supplies "his short, dramatic appearance seems unnecessary. Yes, his role is important for character development and plot movement, but the script leaves that whole subplot very unmotivated and unclear so in the end, everything just becomes as messy and confusing. The claustrophobia of the cramped personalities helps build the plays suspense and anxiety, but in the end I just found myself silently praying it would end or that a huge mass of birds would fly down through the ceiling and eat them all. .
I feel that while the acting was somewhat over-dramatic in a few areas, it wasn't really the actors' faults. They're actually quite talented and accomplished, judging by their resumes, but "The Birds"" did not suit their acting chops. This forces me to believe that it was all in the writing. The script was rather dull "even with a giant cloud of murderous birds, sexual involvement, and a creepy and frantic atmosphere" and many scenes/actions were very poorly written/amateur.