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Product Placement in the Movies


My last way of cutting down product placement in films relates back to my last suggestion in a way. Find a more effective way of advertising to get people interested in your film. According to the Journal of Current Issues and Research, "Films with the most effective advertising are able to ensure high revenues, giving them the leisure of taking loans and not worrying about the burden of product placement " (Karrh).
             As I said, the popularity and projected revenue of a film, most of the time, determines the amount of product placement that will be included. Here are some examples of good ways to go about product placement and bad ways. The movie Transformers would be a good example. The company GM Motors was a big contributor to the movie. The producers were smart when it came to their choice of cars to use. They chose to stay with one company rather than having Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge, GM. "By limiting just one vehicle manufacturer to be included in their production, the viewers of the film will be able to focus more on what is going on, rather than what manufacturer they should buy their next vehicle from " (Auty). This movie benefited both the producers of Transformers and GM Motors. On the other hand, the movie Iron Man 2 would be a bad example. Burger King, Dr Pepper, Audi, 7-Eleven, and Royal Purple Motor Oil are just a few of the many companies that were big contributors to the production of the film. With this many different products being involved in the film, some reviews showed that individuals were at times distracted from what was actually going on in the film because of a product that had nothing to do with what was going on. Although this did not affect the box office sales, it did affect the sales of Iron Man 2 once it came out on DVD. According to the Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, Transformers and Iron Man 2 had similar revenues from the box office after the first week in theaters, yet once both came out on DVD and Blue-ray, Transformers had almost a 2:1 sales ratio compared to Iron Man 2 (Wilbur).

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