He would let each of them know what needed to be done. He kept everyone inline and on track.
Negotiator - This was an important role for his company. He added, that his negotiating skills were not up to par it could cost him lots of money. In this role, my father bid on jobs such as water towers, frat tanks, beams, etc. .
Coach and Motivator - This role he used to keep his employees inspired and working up to his standards. He says he would tell them what's wrong and find a way to inspire them to do it better the next time. This eliminates bad work from happening.
Team Builder - As a team builder, my father would hold meetings to make sure everyone was performing work up to his standards. If they were slacking he would then give them a one time warning. .
Team Player - During this role he would be supportive of his employees opinions and try to accommodate as much as possible. Being the owner he said he could not be to lenient because then he would get taken advantage of. So, he was still firm as a boss should be but loyal and stood by his word. .
Technical Problem Solver - In this role he would server as not only their boss but an adviser as well. He would suggest different/ faster ways of performing certain tasks. Being as though he had 30 years experience he often new many tricks.
Entrepreneur - This role is where he was the most innovative. He constantly stayed on top of the new things. For instant he does not use the exact same paint as he used when he first opened the company. Over time things change and he stayed on top of these changes.
Strategic Planner - This role is where he created his visions. He would want to achieve certain goals and in this role he set up ways to achieve them. He also said that he put many policies in place to get to certain goals.
My father finds that his greatest satisfaction comes from his ability to have led his company to where it is at now. He gets satisfaction knowing that he was able to provide a very good living for his family with some company that he started 30 years ago.