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Apple's Accountability to Foxconn


These values are then being taught to new members in the organisation as the correct way to think and feel in relation to these problems. Culture is looked upon as a reward of work (Peters and Waterman, 1982).
             Leadership is a term that gets tossed around promiscuously, almost every time a politician, business magnate, or football manager speakers on what is required to get results, the term occurs. (Grey, C. , 2009).
             According to Kicketts K.G. (2008), the term "leadership" could be defined as a process whereby an individual positively influences people in an organization or a team to accomplish desired goals and objectives. He also pointed out that although the definitions of leadership could be various; there are some central components which have covered by most definitions. Specifically speaking, leadership is a process involving influence which occurs in a group context and which has as its purpose the attainment of specific goals (Kicketts K.G., 2008). .
             The influence of corporate culture can be understand through its importance. The understanding of the importance of corporate culture is evident when most organisations acknowledged the fact that an organisation's well founded culture could contribute to the achievement in every aspect of performance whether in economy, growth and financial (Maloney and Federle, 1990; Flamholtz and Randle, 1998). For example: In USA, Continental Airlines, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Siemens KWU and Ernst and Young as well as in UK such as Hyundai Car (UK) have become high leading organisations that have successfully changed their corporate culture and these changes have led to a massive positive impact on the organisational performance.
             The influence of leadership can be reflected by the functions of leaders. Leaders specify a direction for the rest of us; they help us see what lies ahead; they help us visualize what we might achieve; they encourage and inspire us.

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