Governments and nations can also."5 .
The Klan used conformity in everything they did. The KKK had the same symbols, uniforms and even talked and walked the same. They had the same beliefs and never ever differed from the group. If they did they were considered outcasts and may have been killed or hated. Some would conform to this group to avoid conflict and intimidation. They did so because they were afraid at the time. The KKK despised anyone who was not with the group or anyone who has disagreed with their beliefs.
"A mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when members' striving for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action." -Irving Janis .
Illusion of Invulnerability: .
A majority of people join or may consider joining a cult for one reason: a sense of belonging, to feel accepted. It's an unstoppable situation, when people are desperate to belong. These KKK members are tricked into thinking that whatever they do is right and carry faith in the group and never falter in their beliefs of the group's importance. .
Belief in inherent Morality: .
Members of these cults never second guess the leaders. The members put all trust and belief in what the leader says. These KKK members trust in what the leader says and think everything their leader states is just and moral. They never doubt their thoughts or actions because they strongly believe they know what is right and wrong. .
Collective Rationalization: .
Everyone in the cult worships the leader and follows what the leader orders and never doubts his actions. This will then lead to them believing theirs leaders are always correct. The group will try to rationalize everything they do. So anything that is incorrect will be dismissed and the members will as a group refuse to see things from a different point of view or perspective.