cosmology of the universe - which contains wisdom of our interconnection.
with all of life.
Chapter three in Harmony is titled: The 'Golden Thread'. It offers.
the reader an understanding of the universe's Sacred Geometry. This.
Sacred Geometry describes a universal design in the natural world, and an.
innate harmony and interconnectedness of all things. Prince Charles.
describes the design of a daisy, for example, as being interconnected with.
all of life. "The spiral of the seeds on the daisy head found all over the.
natural world, is the sort inscribed on the shell of a snail or, indeed,.
the shape that our forefinger makes when a human hand is clenched in a.
fist. The same numbers are always at play." Harmony, Kindle Locations 1637-.
Prince Charles is fascinated by the relationships between numbers and.
the Sacred Geometry of the space around us. He goes into depth about the.
mathematical teachings of the Greek Philosopher, Pythagoras, who lived in.
Greece, Egypt and Italy during the Sixth Century. His teachings were based.
on the central kinship of all living things. "It may seem an odd thing to.
say in this day and age," Prince Charles writes, "but Pythagoras taught.
that number expressed a divine quality. Not only is the natural world.
constructed according to a precise mathematics, Pythagoras suggested that.
if we contemplate its patterns deeply we are led into communion with the.
very source of number itself, which is unity." Harmony (Kindle Location.
In our Chinese wisdom traditions taught at Tai Sophia, the numbers.
one, two and three provide a framework for healing principles and.
practices. They reflect different aspects of the underlying doctrines of.
life. The number one symbolizes life as unity, and is represented by a.
circle. The circle reminds us we are whole and complete within ourselves,.
and interconnected to the oneness of the universe. Prince Charles writes in.
Harmony that according to Pythagoras, the first number represents the.