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The Dark Side of Adoption


             Little bonding and attachment.
             Placements in homes where there are already biological and other adopted children.
             The higher the education and income level of the adoptive parents, the higher the rate of disruption. This is attributed to the higher academic and social expectations of the parents.
             The nature of "the system", with its compartmentalized services, lack of communication between departments, numerous case managers, and inadequate assessments.
             Inaccurate or insufficient history given by the adoption agency and caseworkers on the child and its history and behaviors.
             Birth parents change their minds about placing their children for adoption, thus reversing the adoption process.
             Factors in preventing disruptions and strengthening adoptive families:.
             There is no magic cure, but here are some things to keep in mind:.
             The agency and family should do all they can to ensure that the parents and child are a good "fit". A solid match between the family's strengths and a child's particular needs is most important.
             Adoptions by foster parents who have been providing care for the child appear to be more successful. The foster parents are already aware of the child's specific needs, a bond has been established in most cases, and they have participated in extensive training.
             Adoptions occurring with older parents and older children show much success. Older parents have great experience to draw from, and are less anxious about presenting behavior problems, and tend to be more realistic in their expectations.
             Single parents show as much success rate as married couples. They are mature and independent, and utilize family and community support systems readily. Married couples offer stability as well. Both parents working outside the home doesn't appear to be a factor in whether an adoption succeeds or fails. Single parents tend to adopt older children who have behavior difficulties.
             Social workers should disclose to the adoptive parents as much information about the birth family and child as possible, so that the prospective parents can make an informed decision.

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